How I signed up for a 50 miler…

Screen cap of a text thread. I'm asking my wife if it'd be crazy to sign up for a 50 mile race. She says no.
The text to my wife that started it.

Charlotte enables me. A couple hours later, an episode of S.W.A.P. suggested doing something “crazy.” There was a discount, too. By the end of the night, I’d registered for my first 50 miler. That’s how bad decisions happen.

Six months of straightforward training, nothing woo-woo, no bio-hacking, no crazy diets or philosophies. The basic plan: focus on Z1-Z2 efforts, mix in a a couple workouts (hills, lactate, speed) a week, lift for strength and later endurance, incorporate plyometrics for power, nutrition from the go, and recovery comes first. Smoking weed, eating mostly vegetarian, and giving Athletic Greens a spin is about as controversial as it’ll get.

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Just a middle-aged runner with no special abilities, getting ready for his first 50 mile trail run.


Putting down miles in a rural Virginia county while training for Mountain Masochist 50 Miler 2023